Red River: Nocona-Bulcher Motorcycle Park
Montague County, Texas
Uploaded by Bivy Team


13 :58 hrs
33 mi
59 ft
Sea Kayaking

Red River is the largest river system in Oklahoma and one of the largest in Texas. It follows along the border between Texas and Oklahoma. The terrain is flat, barren and undeveloped. Red clay soil formations give the river its color and name. Above Lake Texoma the river is extremely wide resulting in seasonal paddling dependent upon rainfall. This section begins at the old burned bridge site north of Nocona. The river flows slow and flat with no paddling hazards. You need to be extra careful of quicksand, snakes and biting insects. The river can swell from 100 yards to 300 yards so check weather and water conditions. Takeout is at Bulcher Motorcycle Park near the confluence of Mountain Creek.

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