Pecan Plantation Run
Hood County, Texas
Uploaded by Bivy Team


06 :55 hrs
13.7 mi
73 ft

Though this course is nearly 14 miles long, the endpoint is only about three quarters of a mile from the start point, which is unusual for a River route. However, this meandering section of the River loops so tightly back around that you end almost where you start. The channel for this River is fairly wide, and during runoff season the high water can flow rapidly, but most of the time runs low and the actual breadth of the water flow is rather small. In the places where the channel narrows, water speeds can pick up a bit making for some moderate rapids. In some places the water can be so narrow that portage is required, and the most likely location where you may need to carry your vessel for a short distance is indicated by a loop in the path.

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