West Fork of the Des Moines River: Humboldt 3rd Ave. Launch to Gotch Park
Humboldt, Iowa
Uploaded by Bivy Team


01 :60 hrs
4.8 mi
33 ft
Sea Kayaking

The West Fork of the Des Moines River definitely requires experience. From the get go, scout the first rock dam. If you think it is too difficult there is an optional put in at the bridge on Sumner Avenue. The river is quite swift, and it will take you to a second rock bridge, which you can go through the chute on the left or center. However, in low water season, you may have to portage. As you go on, there are riffles and a slow down stretch by rocks and boulders. During lower water levels you may have to paddle harder to avoid them. Be watchful for rocks before the Gotch Park Road at any water level. The take out is a boat ramp on the river left after the Gotch Park Road bridge.

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