Lake Martin: Chimney Rock and Acapulco Rock Island
Elmore County, Alabama
Uploaded by Bivy Team


03 :51 hrs
4.8 mi
23 ft
Sea Kayaking

Located on Lake Martin, Chimney Rock Island and Acapulco Rock Island are two of the most popular Islands to visit on the lake. To begin this trip to the Islands, start by using the boat ramp off Dixie Sailing Club Road. From here travel southwest along the shoreline before wrapping around the edge of the inlet heading east towards the islands. Enjoy exploring the many coves this area provides. Once reaching Acapulco Rock, there is a popular cliff jumps site that many people enjoy during the summer. Chimney Rock Island got its name from the rock that protrudes from the top of the island as Acapulco Rock Island received it’s name from resembling Acapulco Rock in Mexico. Return to the same boat ramp to end this trip.

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